NYS Health Connector - Statistical Briefs - NYAPD

Statistical Briefs

This section contains statistical briefs using data from the Statewide Planning and Research Cooperative System (SPARCS). Click on the links below to access individual statistical briefs.

New York State All Payer Hospital Inpatient Potentially Preventable Complication (PPC) Rates, 2009-2012 (PDF)

This statistical brief provides a summary of crude and risk adjusted rates of 3M™ Potentially Preventable Complications (PPCs) for all payer New York State hospital inpatient discharges for the time period 2009 through 2012.

New York State All Payer Potentially Preventable Readmission (PPR) Rates, 2009-2012 (PDF)

Potentially Preventable Readmissions (PPRs) are return admissions, identified by a software program developed by 3M Health Information Systems, within a specified time period that are clinically related to the initial admission. These return admissions are thought to be potentially preventable with proper care and treatment during the initial hospitalization; and through adequate discharge planning, follow-up and coordination between the inpatient and outpatient settings.

New York State All Payer Potentially Preventable Emergency Room Visits (PPV), 2011-2012 (PDF)

The rate of Potentially Preventable Emergency Room Visits (PPVs) is a measure that reflect both the quality of patient care and the opportunity to target potentially avoidable costs. PPVs are ER visits for ambulatory care sensitive conditions that may have been avoided with adequate patient monitoring and follow-up. PPVs represent poor quality of, or access to, primary care or care coordination. PPVs represent a substantial portion of all New York State (NYS) emergency room (ER) visits.

New York State Inpatient Hospital Cost Trends, 2009-2012 (PDF)

This brief provides trends of estimated costs for New York State inpatient discharges from Article 28 hospitals for the time period 2009 through 2012. Both aggregate hospital costs and the average cost per hospital discharge are presented overall and by age group, primary payer, All Payer Refined Diagnosis Related Group (APR-DRG) medical or surgical classification, geographical region and patient discharge status.

Inpatient Planned Admissions to Acute Care Hospitals in New York State, 2015 (PDF)

The objective of this brief is to present an overview of planned inpatient admissions in NYS hospitals, highlighting differences in volume and estimated cost. Inpatient admissions may be categorized as planned or emergent. While these two variants are often combined in analysis, each presents its own unique set of characteristics. Much of the interest in inpatient admissions is dominated by emergent admissions, especially as attention to emergency rooms as a source of non-emergent healthcare continues to grow. However, few studies isolate planned inpatient admissions to focus on the general hospital and patient characteristics associated with these events.


For the entire series of Statistical Briefs: https://www.health.ny.gov/statistics/sparcs/sb/